
guoke1930 2018-07-15 3408次浏览 87条评论 0 给作者打赏国币 0 0
[attach]11290[/attach] 内容介绍: Throughout this Photoshop tutorial we'll learn how to work with lighting, texture and composition in digital
[attach]11290[/attach] 内容介绍: Throughout this Photoshop tutorial we'll learn how to work with lighting, texture and composition in digital matte painting. We'll also learn how to set up a proper scene and master the transition from a normal green environment to a fantasy electrical night environment. We'll master color changes, color correction techniques and use specific matte painting techniques to let our imagination fly. By the end of this Photoshop training, you’ll have mastered new skills to visually transition one scene into a completely different look. 官方网址:[url=http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/1935-Transitioning-Environments-from-Realistic-to-Fantasy-in-Photoshop]http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/1935-Transitioning-Environments-from-Realistic-to-Fantasy-in-Photoshop[/url] 下载地址:[hide]链接:[url=http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgwu9xY]http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgwu9xY[/url] 密码:d2v4[/hide] 论坛名言:誓将分享进行到底,请记住我们的网站:[url=http://www.cgcountry.com]www.cgcountry.com[/url] 论坛因有你而精彩,希望大家能踊跃分享自己的私房东西,谢谢大家
原文链接: http://www.cgcountry.com/thread-38464-1-1.html

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