RS渲染器破解版Redshift3D Redshift Renderer V.2.6.41 For Cinema 4D/3DsMax /Maya/Houdini

admin 2019-09-11 1784次浏览 0条评论 0 给作者打赏国币 0 0
RS渲染器破解版Redshift3D Redshift Renderer V.2.6.41 For Cinema 4D/3DsMax /Maya/Houdini

RS渲染器破解版Redshift3D Redshift Renderer V.2.6.41 For Cinema 4D/3DsMax /Maya/Houdini

RS渲染器破解版Redshift3D Redshift Renderer V.2.6.41 For Cinema 4D/3DsMax /Maya/Houdini

Redshift是世界上第一款功能强大的GPU加速渲染器,有偏见的渲染器。专为满足当代高端制作渲染的特定需求而打造。 Redshift专为支持各种规模的创意个人和工作室而设计,提供一系列强大功能,并与行业标准CG应用程序集成。屡获殊荣的VFX房屋,Glassworks Amsterdam,在Redshift的帮助下制作了精美的动画。

Redshift is the world’s first fully GPU-accelerated, biased renderer.Redshift is a powerful GPU-accelerated renderer, built to meet the specific demands of contemporary high-end production rendering. Tailored to support creative individuals and studios of every size, Redshift offers a suite of powerful features and integrates with industry standard CG applications.下载地址:下载地址:下载地址:下载地址:下载地址:下载地址:下载地址:下载地址:


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