高级角色动画师动作分析书籍(Action Ana

s 2018-04-13 9950次浏览 251条评论 2 给作者打赏国币 0 0
[attach]5727[/attach][attach]5729[/attach][attach]5728[/attach] 内容介绍:Action Analysis is one of the fundamental princples of animation that underpins a...
[attach]5727[/attach][attach]5729[/attach][attach]5728[/attach] 内容介绍:Action Analysis is one of the fundamental princples of animation that underpins all types of animation: 2d, 3d, computer animation, stop motion, etc. This is a fundamental skill that all animators need to create polished, believable animation. An example of Action Analysis would be Shrek's swagger in the film, Shrek. The animators clearly understood (through action analysis) the type of walk achieved by a large and heavy individual (the real) and then applied their observations to the animated character of an ogre (the fantastic). It is action analysis that enabled the animation team to visually translate a real life situation into an ogre's walk, achieving such fantastic results. Key animation skills are demonstrated with in-depth illustrations, photographs and live action footage filmed with high speed cameras. Detailed Case Studies, practical assignments and industry interviews ground action analysis methodology with real life examples. Action Analysis for Animators is a essential guide for students, amateurs and professionals. Price: $26.21 File Size: 116 MB Print Length: 408 pages Publisher: Focal Press; 1 edition (October 2, 2012) Language: English 下载地址: [hide]链接:[url]http://pan.baidu.com/s/19sFi6[/url] 密码:g8hv[/hide]
原文链接: http://www.cgcountry.com/thread-17825-1-1.html

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