AE蓝宝石插件 一键安装Win/Mac破解版 Genarts Sapphire V11.0.1 For Adobe/OFX/AVX CS5 – CC

admin 2018-10-18 705次浏览 0条评论 0 给作者打赏国币 0 0
蓝宝石插件升级到V11版本,主要包括和Mocha跟踪功能的整合,新增加超过50种特效和转场等 Adobe版本支持AE/Premiere CS5/CS6/CC/CC2014/CC2015/CC2017/CC2018 OFX版本支持达芬奇/Vegas AVX版本支持AVID Sapphire 11 i...


  • Adobe版本支持AE/Premiere CS5/CS6/CC/CC2014/CC2015/CC2017/CC2018
  • OFX版本支持达芬奇/Vegas
  • AVX版本支持AVID

Sapphire 11 is a major upgrade for the suite of VFX plug-ins. Key features include integrating the Academy Award-winning Mocha planar tracking and masking engine into Sapphire effect. In addition to adding Mocha, over 50 new effect and transitions, created with the Sapphire Builder, are also included with Sapphire 11. Autodesk Flame artists will benefit from the addition of an exclusive S_Mocha spark, which allows for the exporting of mocha planar tracking data for use in other Flame compositing modules. And finally, as with every major release, Sapphire 11 has been optimized for maximum CPU and GPU performance. Scroll down for more information.


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