字体排版设计基础(Digital Tutors - Fundam

Ivy 2018-04-13 4021次浏览 62条评论 1 给作者打赏国币 0 0
[attach]3930[/attach] [attach]3929[/attach] [attach]3928[/attach] 内容介绍: In this series of lessons, we'll focus on the fundamentals of typography. We'l...
[attach]3930[/attach] [attach]3929[/attach] [attach]3928[/attach] 内容介绍: In this series of lessons, we'll focus on the fundamentals of typography. We'll kick things off by breaking down letterforms and learning about their different components. We'll then learn the difference between a typeface, a typestyle and a type family. Next we'll unravel the mystery of how type is measured through points and picas. Then we'll move on and learn about line spacing, letter spacing and word spacing. From there, we'll learn about working with large bodies of type and discuss different methods of alignment. Finally, we'll learn about the process of choosing and using a typeface. (1h 42m) 使用软件:Illustrator CS4, InDesign CS4 官方网站:[url=http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?pid=277]http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?pid=277[/url] 解压密码:[url=http://www.cgcountry.com]www.cgcountry.com[/url] 下载链接: [hide]链接:[url=http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2186672382&uk=3610210282]http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2186672382&uk=3610210282[/url] 密码:81c0[/hide]
原文链接: http://www.cgcountry.com/thread-8581-1-1.html

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