CG cookie-使用blender创建人物模型教程学

guoke1930 2018-04-13 4223次浏览 44条评论 0 给作者打赏国币 0 0
[attach]5575[/attach] 内容介绍: Learn how to create character models in Blender Character modeling is a coveted specialty that takes a lot of patience, a...
[attach]5575[/attach] 内容介绍: Learn how to create character models in Blender Character modeling is a coveted specialty that takes a lot of patience, a lot of practice, and no small amount of work. But character modeling is also a lot of fun and very satisfying once you become comfortable with the techniques and workflows needed to bring your designs to life. What you’ll learn Through this course I will be taking you through a variety of techniques and workflows in order to create our pilot character. Create base meshes with the skin modifier Sculpt organic forms with dynamic topology Sculpt clothing with the multiresolution modifier Use the many sculpting brushes to control the surfaces Model crisp details with poly modeling techniques Create high-quality mesh topology with retopology methods Quickly rig and pose the character with Rigify 下载链接: [hide][url=][/url] 密码: bozb[/hide] 论坛名言:誓将分享进行到底,请记住我们的网站:[url=][color=red][/color][/url] 论坛因有你而精彩,希望大家能踊跃分享自己的私房东西,谢谢大家 官方网址:[url=][color=red][/color][/url]

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