AE教程:科幻瞬间移动特效 Digital Tutors – Compositing a Teleportation Effect in After E

admin 2018-09-19 216次浏览 0条评论 0 给作者打赏国币 0 0
【教程DEMO】 【教程介绍】 在这期教程中将创建我们常在科幻电影中看到的传送门科幻瞬间移动特效, 在一个角色动画使用一些基本的动力工具和一些元素特效,创建一个粒子旋转的传送门, 教程中将创建全息特效,粒子效果,变形效果,色彩校正,以及抖动…… 教程为高清视频教程,英语对白(无中文字幕),含工程文...








In this series of After Effects tutorials we will create a science-fiction inspired teleporter effect.
We will begin with some character animation that has been matchmoved to a background plate. Then, using some basic dynamics tools and some creative re-purposing of other elements in After Effects’ tool box, create a swirling portal of energy through which our character will take form.
We’ll create holographic effects, particle effects, and distortion fields, and finish up the training with some color correction and camera shake.
By the end of the After Effects training you’ll have the confidence to approach any project with the knowledge that no effect is out of your reach, if you’re willing to experiment a little!


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