



CG之国 标签 灯光 相关帖子

tag 标签: 灯光


版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
高级灯光教学(Escape Studios Advanced Lighting with Maya & Mental Ray) Maya dashu 2013-2-18 219 12031 cc441684685 2016-9-21 09:42
Gnomon_灯光材质渲染技巧( Lighting and Shaders Rendering Techniques ) Maya dashu 2013-2-27 85 3553 CG--cx 2015-12-27 13:31
Lynda_灯光渲染教学(Maya 2011 Lighting and Rendering in mental ray) Maya dashu 2013-2-28 58 4008 l234044 2018-5-9 06:40
DT_10种高级maya渲染技巧(Top 10 Rendering Tips for Maya Artists) attach_img Maya vivianliu 2013-4-3 255 10994 l234044 2018-5-3 22:07
DT_创建灯光教学(Creating Light Rigs in Maya) Maya mylovetoyuo 2013-4-3 74 4090 laowang0123 2015-7-24 21:03
Gnomon_高级灯光特效流程(‘ARCHETYPE’VFX Breakdown) Maya dashu 2013-4-8 87 4685 moqiziya 2016-7-27 18:00
Cmivfx_Nuke材质与灯光特效(Nuke Shading and Lighting FX) Nuke mylovetoyuo 2013-4-11 85 3831 小黑鬼 2017-3-17 22:24
C4D Vray高级灯光(Renderking - Vray Lighting Essentials) CINEMA 4D mylovetoyuo 2013-4-26 52 3826 YU76 2017-8-21 22:04
Basic 3dtraining_大师级3D灯光教学(3D Light Master) attach_img 影视教学 mylovetoyuo 2013-7-22 146 7526 zhaoxin 2018-4-18 10:24
3DTotal_3D环境灯光教学含场景文件(3D Environment Lighting - C4D) attach_img 艺术杂志 dashu 2013-8-19 28 1450 zas7358 2014-12-7 19:34
Schoolism_绘画上色/灯光(Designing with Color and Light with Nathan Fowkes) attach_img 绘画教学 dashu 2013-9-6 68 2342 独立动画人 2018-4-14 17:18
C4D HDR灯光插件(VRay Studio Tools 1.3 PRO for Cinema 4d) attach_img 插件区 dashu 2013-10-16 33 2173 jeffking1 2016-3-18 15:04
Vrayart_Vray大师灯光基础教学(VRay Basic Lighting DVD) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-12-22 281 11416 380855274 2017-8-26 13:06
Viscorbel_VRAY室内高级灯光教学(Vray Interior Lighting) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-12-27 112 5016 NaClBob 2018-6-8 17:02
大叔推荐一组HDR灯光素材(Photo Studio Lights HDR set vol_2.0) attach_img 材质贴图 dashu 2014-1-9 164 5073 a515996671 2018-7-26 17:44
大叔再推荐更猛的HDR灯光素材(Photo Studio Lights HDR set vol 3.0) attach_img 材质贴图 dashu 2014-1-9 296 8453 徘徊者 2022-7-27 10:47
Lynda_工作室灯光教学(Studio Lighting in CINEMA 4D with Donovan Keith) attach_img CINEMA 4D dashu 2014-1-9 60 3285 誓言 2017-6-20 10:27
HDR工作室灯光软件(Lightmap HDR Light Studio v4.3 win64) attach_img 软件区 dashu 2014-1-12 114 5766 抛着媚眼上吊 2018-4-19 18:02
3DTotal_哥特式教堂/室外灯光(Gothic Church/Lighting La Ruelle-Cinema4D) attach_img 艺术杂志 dashu 2014-1-13 31 1457 kklzr 2015-2-27 20:00
Simply Maya_真实物理灯光教学(Physically Accurate Lighting in mental ray) attach_img Maya dashu 2014-2-26 142 5521 l234044 2018-5-9 07:05
Arnold室内灯光渲染(Interior Lighting and Rendering Using Arnold in Maya) attach_img Maya dashu 2014-4-17 191 10967 zz8658488 2017-8-31 14:30
Lynda_影视灯光设计教学(Lighting Design for Video Production) attach_img 影视教学 dashu 2014-6-12 139 5735 zhaoxin 2018-4-18 08:54
Fxphd-掌握灯光/渲染(Hou208-Mastering Lighting and Rendering with Mantra) attach_img Houdini dashu 2014-6-19 93 5061 活字印坊 2018-1-17 12:40
Digitaltutors–灯光教学(Introduction to Lighting in Unreal Engine 4.1.1) attach_img Unity dashu 2014-7-1 80 3540 teco_gy 2016-7-14 15:10
Cinema4dtutorial-专业灯光预设文件(Vray C4d Professional Light Kit) attach_img CINEMA 4D dashu 2014-7-9 53 2560 c0010 2016-1-31 10:49
DT-人物肖像灯光渲染教学(Lighting and Rendering in Maya and Arnold) attach_img Maya dashu 2014-7-11 202 8757 雙☆霧雨 2018-9-25 15:17
VUE大师级灯光教学(Geekatplay Studio - Lighting in Vue) attach_img 其他3D教学 dashu 2014-7-22 116 5556 wangzengye 2019-9-17 17:23
CGtalk大师班_影视灯光开发(Look Development and Image Based Lighting) attach_img CGtalk 大师班 dashu 2014-7-22 209 7151 wangzengye 2019-9-17 17:21
DigitalTutors-室内灯光教学(Interior Lighting Manipulation in Photoshop) attach_img Photoshop dashu 2014-7-25 73 4199 tingtung 2016-5-19 09:50
Digital Tutors-灯光渲染教学(Introduction to Lighting in Maya 2015) attach_img Maya dashu 2014-7-31 103 4384 l234044 2018-5-9 07:05
FXPHD–Arnold真实世界灯光/渲染(ARN201:Real World Lighting/Rendering) - [!price! 3 CG国币] attach_img Maya dashu 2014-10-14 188 7948 暮春之色 2018-5-10 13:27
Gnomon-电影级灯光照明理论[中文字幕]-Efficient Cinematic Lighting - [!price! 2 CG国币] attach_img Maya dashu 2014-11-29 493 19305 Yone 2020-10-1 00:57
12组影视级静帧灯光场景-FlippedNormals Lighting Scenes--3ds Max BUNDLE attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2016-8-31 58 3635 q364618529 2018-10-19 18:33
12组影视级静帧灯光场景-FlippedNormals Lighting Scenes - MAYA Bundle attach_img Maya dashu 2016-8-31 62 4354 星星 2020-10-3 22:51
灯光必杀秘籍【Mastering Lighting by Grant Warwick Lessons 1-4】 attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2016-9-13 76 4087 NaClBob 2018-6-8 17:00

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