



tag 标签: Blender


版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
制作科幻机舱(CGcookie_Modeling a Pod Racer in Blender) 艺术杂志 dashu 2013-2-20 47 3671 myleo 2015-10-23 20:21
全能免费三维动画制作软件blender最新版 软件区 dashu 2013-3-12 46 3175 1626363941 2016-9-10 21:56
CGcookie_Blender合成教学系列(Compositing in Blender Training Series) Blender dashu 2013-3-12 20 1920 jeffking1 2017-1-25 09:05
CGcookie_渲染长发(Styling and Rendering Long Hair with Blender and Cycles) Blender dashu 2013-3-19 53 4573 全星的海角 2017-9-10 08:48
CGcookie_硬面建模入门(Introduction to Hard Surface Modeling) Blender dashu 2013-3-19 26 1906 YU76 2017-9-13 18:33
Cmivfx_展UV与烘焙教学(Blender Unwrapping and Baking) Blender dashu 2013-4-12 33 5527 全星的海角 2017-9-3 15:44
Cmivfx_Blender高级流体教学(Blender Advanced Fluids) Blender mylovetoyuo 2013-4-12 40 3741 JCCFOREVER 2017-10-30 13:28
Cmivfx_Blender猛犸象绑定教学第一部(Massive Mammoth Masterclass) Blender mylovetoyuo 2013-4-12 25 2313 bisd1234 2018-1-29 18:50
Cmivfx_猛犸象绑定教学第二部(Blender Massive Mammoth Masterclass) Blender mylovetoyuo 2013-4-12 21 2144 fggfh 2018-1-11 20:21
CGCookie_模拟螺旋电话线( Simulating a Spiral Phone Cord in Blender) attach_img Blender mylovetoyuo 2013-9-16 8 1329 coolyfoot 2015-7-8 18:41
CGMasters_汽车建模与贴图(Car Modeling and Texturing in Blender) attachment Blender dashu 2013-11-27 93 5095 橡皮兔子 2018-2-27 15:59
游戏角色制作书籍(Game Character Creation with Blender and Unity 2012) attach_img 艺术杂志 dashu 2014-1-14 36 1604 佳佳之佳佳 2021-1-1 12:19
钢铁之泪4DVD制作全解密(Tears of Steel - Open Movie DVD box/Blender) attach_img 影视教学 dashu 2014-2-26 116 6906 LanaLin_eHxJ4 2019-1-25 11:37



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