



tag 标签: 3ds Max


版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
流体烟雾插件(PhoenixFD v2.1.1 Vray 2.4 for 3ds Max 2013 - 2014 - Win64) attach_img 插件区 Thinking 2013-7-23 111 5051 ML380101833 2018-1-15 19:49
Digitaltutors_制作游戏武器(Creating Game Weapons in 3ds Max and Mudbox) attach_img 其他3D教学 dashu 2013-9-29 14 1010 tjsymbol 2015-7-20 23:46
Digitaltutors_快速绑定V2(Quick Start to Rigging in 3ds Max: Volume 2) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-10-10 58 3163 moqiziya 2018-3-24 21:34
3dmotive_3ds Max全面接触(COMPLETE Intro To 3ds Max 1-4) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-10-18 22 1340 3Dmax初学 2018-1-11 22:35
Digitaltutors_快速绑定V5(Quick Start to Rigging in 3ds Max: Volume 5) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-10-22 59 2575 miao7 2018-5-1 20:59
3dtotal_3dsMax创建均匀拓扑(Creating Clean and Evenly DistributedTopology) attach_img 艺术杂志 dashu 2013-10-25 57 4184 robotcups 2015-9-15 20:29
Lynda_PF粒子高级教学(Up and Running with Particle Flow in 3ds Max) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-10-29 128 5386 stonechan 2018-11-21 17:12
Lynda_游戏动画教学(Animating for Unity 3D in 3ds Max) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-10-29 42 2830 Animationqian 2016-10-27 16:46
Lynda_3ds Max 2014新特性(3ds Max 2014 New Features with Adam Crespi) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-10-29 27 1383 sxb113227 2017-12-22 16:45
Digitaltutors_艺术引导MG图像(Artist Guide to Motion Graphics in 3ds Max) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2013-10-30 27 995 corey1020 2016-12-12 11:57
3Ds Max文件管理器(Project Manager 1.67.90 For 3Ds Max 2009-2014 WIN) attach_img 插件区 dashu 2013-12-30 61 3076 tiramisu 2016-4-24 10:40
屌爆植物合集全3套(Laubwerk Plants Kits 1/2/3 For C4D and 3ds Max Win) attach_img 软件区 dashu 2013-12-31 216 8265 pig 2016-9-30 00:32
DT_制作游戏植物(Creating Vegetation for Games in 3ds Max and Mudbox) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2014-1-9 19 1148 wx_AAQK7KJz 2016-7-1 03:50
创建5种建筑外观(Creating Five Architecture Facades in 3ds Max and V-Ray) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2014-1-18 76 3225 冰瞳瞳 2015-10-28 09:23
了解3ds Max后学习maya建模(Learning Maya after knowing 3ds Max Modeling) attach_img Maya dashu 2014-2-25 72 3039 Louis_Wu504 2016-6-28 09:57
3DBuzz_游戏资源制作(Game Assets in 3DS Max - Volume 1) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2014-2-27 17 1007 gundom151 2016-3-10 08:36
超强动画脚本集合(Animator's Toolkit 1.0174 for 3DS Max 2010-2014) attach_img 插件区 dashu 2014-2-27 261 12038 caoyue2018 2017-10-14 16:28
全球首发Autodesk 3ds Max/3ds Max Design 2015 官方正式破解版 attach_img 软件区 dashu 2014-3-20 186 9571 房东姚大爷 2016-5-23 19:22
Digitaltutors-四足动画教学(Animating Quadrupeds in 3ds Max 2014) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2014-4-16 51 2246 wx_AAQK7KJz 2016-7-28 11:22
飞跃基础绑定教学(Pushing Your Character Rigs Beyond the Basics 3ds Max) attach_img 3ds Max dashu 2014-6-4 52 2109 openwise 2016-1-23 16:12



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